A passing Band Geek with a love for outer space, I've put those interests aside for the time being for the interesting challenges at Post Intelligence. I've had the pleasure of having amazing mentors, helping me develop my programming style and design approach. Lately, my work has been all about scale. Millions of new pieces of content to monitor each day. Billions of datapoints to record. Limitations set by third party services we interact with. With a base toolset of MariaDB, Redis, python, and some magic properties of pycurl, making this all work is the core of what I do these days.
Outside of programming, I've recently gotten into photography and have been trying to develop a workflow that does not involve a traditional computer or laptop. Instead I hope to have the entire backup and edit system be based on a Synology 916+, an iPad Pro and the cloud. I currently use Snapseed for my photo editing and hope to eventually branch into casual video editing.